The project
Design and develop a series of emails to improve customer engagement.
The scope
1 month, working with Marketing Manager and Test Engineer
My role: visual design and email development
New templates are fully responsive with better typography and a cleaner layout.
What I learned
Responsive email design and development
Testing HTML email rendering across different email clients using litmus
The challenge
To increase customer engagement, the team is launching a weekly email campaign which will provide customer with valuable insights and resources. The current email template has an outdated look and feel and typography has no hierarchy. My task is to redesign the template and build it. It is a big challenge for me because this is the first time that I’m not working with an Engineer. I have to build it, test it, and debug till it’s bulletproof.
The design
The new design has a cleaner layout with better typography. In stead of a fixed height banner, the new template features a modern looking single image which allows more flexibility. Single call-to-action is bigger and more accessible.
Old Template
New Template

The lesson
Building my own design is very fun. I learned many new CSS tricks such as making a bulletproof button with inline CSS. I learned how to debug and how to test HTML rendering across different devices, email clients and browser. Designer can code too.